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Clients share their Life coaching journey

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Testimonials: How this Law of Attraction Coach helped Jo create an abundance mindset.
Jo Mould, Wollongong

Anna Garcia is an incredible Law of Attraction Life Coach and she is the BEST.
In fact she is so good I have referred 10 of my friends to her in the last 7 months. 


If you had of told me 2 years ago that I would have a coach who I work with on Law of Attraction, abundance, and vibration,  I would have laughed. Not laughing now! Not now that I get this stuff. It is so incredibly powerful and my life has never been more FUN.

I keep creating more and more abundance. It’s one success after the other and I’ve even received numerous business awards during my journey with Anna. I feel so fortunate to have met her. So do you want something more in your life? Anything at all? Go to Anna.

Bernadette shares a powerful Law of Attraction testimonial after working with Anna Garcia Life Coaching. It has provided more clarity in her life.
Bernadette Christie-David, Sydney 

At a time in my life where my negative outlook was holding me back, Anna had the power to shift my axis and get me back on track.

The Law of Attraction philosophy is so powerful and has the ability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Anna you are kind, warm and truly connected to your clients.

If you're struggling with a self-pity mindset or attracting everything negative, you MUST speak to Anna. She'll change your world.

Emma gained powerful focus through mindset and energy alignment life coaching.
Emma Carrera, New York

I often come to the session feeling like the sky is falling, but by the end I walk away feeling calm, more at ease and more positive.

There is not a single session where I haven't walked away changed.
The coaching has such an impact and gives me direction.

Anna helps me to put things into perspective and gets me to focus on what is going right in my life than what is going wrong. Thank you.

Anna helped me at a time when I needed to change the direction of my career.
Her life coaching was positive and encouraging and helped me to understand how to reason the challenges I faced in taking what I considered an "unknown path" in my life. 

Without her guidance, knowledge and care, I would have felt quite alone making the decisions I did.  She is a lifeline who genuinely listens and invests in her clients.  I highly recommend her life coaching services.

Sofia got career guidance and clarity through mindset coaching.
Sofia Maniam, Sydney
Rebecca changed her perspective in life to positive aspects from law of attraction coaching.
Rebecca Carr, Sydney

Anna has helped me through a particularly difficult stage in my life. Throughout the breakdown of my marriage and separation she has helped me focus on the "positive aspects" and encouraged me every step of the way.

Every time I have felt like I've hit a wall she has helped me talk myself back into a positive state of mind and motivated me towards my goals. Through book recommendations and plenty of her own examples and wise words she has helped me immensely. 

I am so grateful to have her little-ray-of-sunshine in my life to remind my to focus on the joy of the present moment

Working with Anna has helped me to understand how to utilise the Law of Attraction to grow through various problems that arise in my life in general and my business.

In just a few short months I have learnt how to manifest more of what I want and I also have a stronger sense of self where I trust my self more to make decisions that are aligned with my values rather than seeking the approval of others.

I always feel unconditional regard from Anna - she is authentic and real and I appreciate the humour she uses too. She is an exceptional coach and I look forward to continuing to work with her well into my future. Thank you Anna for all you do for your clients.

Jen is learning how to manifest though using the law of attraction coaching.
Jeni Martin, Wollongong
Cindy is learning how the Law of Attraction helped her create a new reality.
Cindy Oura, Sydney

Anna taught me how to see my dream – even when the reality was the opposite. I left the security of a high paying corporate career to start my dream of opening my own café. Except when I started my business, I was lacking customers and losing money fast.

Anna encouraged me to remember my vision, focus on the positive aspects and just have fun with it. I remember finding anything to be happy about - even in the midst of a heatwave with no customers!

I noticed as I started to enjoy my business, there was a 180 degree change. Clients started flowing in, then streaming in. A local competitor café closed overnight and now our humble café is so busy, people are fighting for seats and have to make bookings!


Thank you for your encouragements and good vibrations throughout my little journey. You really uplifted me when I really doubted this. I am now as strong as ever and so happy.

Jennifer Oh, New York

I started working with Anna recently as I wanted to change and create movement in certain areas of my professional and personal life.


I’ve been studying Law of Attraction via the Abraham-Hicks books and CDs for almost a year, and I wanted guidance on how to better implement those concepts to improve my overall well-being, my health, and my professional acupuncture practice, as well as to ease back into writing and dating.


What drew me to Anna was that it was really, really clear that she had completely changed her life and regained well-being and health using on these concepts on a daily, practical level.


Within a couple of weeks of working with her, my chronic back pain disappeared, my sleep improved, and my own work with my patients became more easy and joyous.


Every practical technique or concept we’ve discussed has been super easy to bring into my daily habits.


I love how she explains Law of Attraction - I always come away with a better, deeper, yet simpler understanding of it and how to easily make it part of my everyday life.


Her kind, joyful, and enthusiastic personality makes every session a true pleasure, and I recommend her highly.

Everybody needs Anna in life!

I remember Anna saying to me life was all about having fun and I thought to myself she’s crazy it’s so much more complicated, but she has taught me how not to be so serious and to have trust in myself and in the Universe.


After each session it feels like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders and I can breathe again! She turns my negative thoughts around with such ease by teaching and explaining the fundamentals of Law of Attraction.

Lisa Marsden, New York
Lisa Marsden testimonial: She learned so much about Law of Attraction from Anna Garcia Life Coach.
Inspiratonal client testimonial: David learnt more about mindset and Universal Laws.
David White, Bali

We have just spent once a week over the last eight weeks with Anna on a Zoom group coaching call, joining in from different places of the world.

I could never explain how Anna and her superb coaching gave us all so much in so few words of a review.

We all looked forward to starting the week with Anna, will miss her guidance and look forward to crossing paths again on the future.

Truly awesome.. Thank you Anna

Everyone needs an Anna in their life! 

Anna you have opened my eyes to another way of being with providing me such positive mindset tools. It has influenced the way I look at things and how I react to life. Thanks to you I have developed a much greater awareness and understanding of my inner strengths.

You have encouraged me to have fun again.......and it feels so good! I now measure my success by the amount of joy I experience each and every day.

I appreciate your little notes you send and the meaningful stream of content (at times it is almost as though you are reading my thoughts).
Thank you Anna for your valuable guidance and continued support xx.

Mary, Sydney
Woman wearing headset while working from home

I've learnt to manifest even when reality and the odds are against me. I'm just having fun with it. 

I honestly can't wait to see what else I can achieve working with you.

I think this whole experience has taught me to be more direct with the Universe about what I want my life to look like.

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Susie Mc Grath, Canberra
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Phoebe Taylor, South Australia

Anna has given me the tools to understand this law in a clear light. I’ve been doing a lot of personal growth work for 15 years. It’s lead me to an understanding that we are what we think, but Anna, so beautifully articulated this even clearer for me …. I had a knowing but not a deeply integrated understanding of how this works and how we really are in the drivers seat of our reality.

I’ll be forever grateful for the wisdom I’ve learnt from Anna. Over the course of a month, my life has changed dramatically. I know this is just the beginning. I have the tools now!

Thank you for your knowledge, your guidance your kindness and enthusiasm. You are an inspiring light which has helped me to view life through a new refreshing and empowering lens.

Some people just light up your life like the beginning of time.

Anna is an incredible life coach and my immediate go to when my energy and thought processes are off.


You are such a gift to this world. You are amazing thank you.

Transformational Life Coaching: Anna is the go to for her energy alignment.
Catherine Jenkins, Brisbane 
Life shifted for Michael working with Anna Garcia Law of Attraction Life Coach.
Michael Aldrine Son, Sydney

Anna’s coaching transformed the way I view my life. I have so much more fun and joy. She introduced me to the teachings of Abraham Hicks.

I now know I have powerful access to source energy within me at any time and this is life changing. I sometimes feel I have super powers!  

I stopped asking others to change around me because happiness is from within and my relationships improved as I improved my relationship with myself.  

Thank you so much, Anna, for all your knowledge, positivity and generosity, I really loved our sessions and looked forward to them every week.


You helped me see things in a different light and have been a real inspiration.

I know I’ll use the tools you taught me for years to come so thank you again!


These sessions were really valuable to me and helped to open my mind and see the situations in my life from a completely different perspective.


I feel like I'm at the beginning of this, but the example that you set is inspiring!


Lucy Attwood shares her experience from Anna Garcia's coaching.
Lucy Attwood,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Incredibly happy that I was introduced to this amazing lady, such a positive and rewarding experience being coached by someone who just oozes positivity, life, happiness and fun.

Would highly recommend a life coaching session with Anna

Sandy Perazza, Wollongong

Hey gorgeous lady!!! I want to share with you that I have had the most incredible week in my business!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me see what really is possible. So very grateful right now.

I am sooooo happy and excited and pretty damn proud of myself!! cant wait to see what else is to come.

Honestly the difference I feel already is quite incredible.I just feel so much calmer and almost a bit serene! Even coping with the children much better.

Tory discovered how to manifest more abundance and increased business flow by working with Anna Garcia Life Coach.
Tory Wilson, Kiama

Coaching with Anna really gave me a source of clarity and connection to what I really want in life.


Anna has been a catalyst for so many amazing things in my life coming into fruition.

Sarah Wentworth-Perry, Sydney



Anna is a master of Law of Attraction and can shift your mindset in minutes, highly recommend her xxx.

Lauren shares her testimonial about Anna Garcia's life coaching.
Lauren Petrovic, Sydney
Lauren Petrovic, Sydney
Michelle found that Anna Garcia explained Law of Attraction in an easy to understand way.
Michelle Simmonds, Sydney

Anna, thank you for taking the frustration out of working with the Law of Attraction!  

Your deep knowledge and understanding has been so helpful to me and your life is living proof of your mastery of the Law of Attraction.  I always look forward to our regular coaching sessions and the delightful and insightful conversations that we have.   

I contacted Anna after going through a period of personal upheaval and it was the best thing I ever did!

She has helped me see life in a different, more positive way and to set achievable goals that are enhancing my life and outlook.


I always feel much more positive after a session with Anna, I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a kind and wonderful life coach who gets results.

Life coachng with Anna was the best thing she did to see life in a more positive way.
Renee Wakeling, Sydney

Anna is an amazing life coach! She changed my life in 4 sessions only by teaching me that enjoying the journey and having positive mind set are the secret for happiness and success!

Dr Marina Cavada, Sydney

I love my sessions with Anna!! The messages last beyond the session and impact on parts of your life exactly when and where they are needed.   


Anna Garcia's coaching impacted her life and resonated with her.
Dr Gem Ninic, Sydney
Client testimonial: Anna Gacia's coaching allowed Riza to have more opportunities in her life.

I used to treat myself with self-pity, not a beautiful thing, with lack of self-confidence… Thank God for your influence in my life. I am able to do meditation with calmness and peace of mind. I slowly changed my perception, the way I think and treat myself…

I feel more peace and love about myself. Before, when someone was not texting me, I became anxious and felt forgotten and not important, but now Anna even when nobody is texting or chatting, I feel complete.

Riza Casimiro,  Jizan, Saudi

Anna is that person to give me a boost when I feel lost, flat or complacent.


After every discussion with her, I always walk away with little gems of advice (and a belly ache from laughing too much).


Life coaching is a natural gift that Anna shares. She is relatable, real, playful and is a living example of positivity, endless possibility and light, all the while being 'human AF'."

Anna Garcia's coaching helped Maria feel more inspired in life.
Maria Sitchon, Sydney
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Thanks coach Anna. My life totally changed after my LOA coaching sessions with you.

You are amazing. Exciting manifestations happen daily as I let them.

Been following your teachings and they truly work!
I have been counting manifestations one after the other... OMG what a joy!

Didith Gabrillo, Sydney

In just a few coaching sessions with Anna, I've learnt so much already and have applied these basic things.

Wow and I've seen things MANIFEST and this is only the beginning.

Thank you Anna.

Michelle Sursen a coaching client manifested so much learning about the Law of Attraction
Michelle Sursen, Victoria
Client testimonial: Anna Garcia, the Life Coach helped Rebeca with a positive mindset.


Anna, thank you for the most amazing coaching over the last 8 weeks.

Every week I come away from your calls feeling uplifted, positive and ready to take on life in a positive, thought provoking manner.

So feeling very lucky and blessed to have met you and hope to work with you more in the near future.

Rebecca Popovic, New Zealand



I felt like the doors had been opened and I could see everything so much clearer.


What I had been searching for was with me already


I feel like I'm at the beginning of this, but the example that you set is inspiring!

Shayna shares her experience of coaching with Anna Garcia life coaching.
Shayna Innes, New Zealand
Gillian Opie's testimonial for Anna Garcia
Gillian Opie, Mittagong, NSW

Thank you Anna for taking me on this journey, am so glad I found you!

I came to you feeling very heavy and now feel lighter and more positive than I have for years.

I feel more resourceful and have faith in the Universe and in myself. I loved your energy, and your jump right in and get into it approach.
Thank you for everything, you're amazing!

I'm celebrating my anniversary this weekend and we were just talking about my anxiety and how far I have come. I am so happy with where I am in my life!  I am so grateful for everything you have done and how you have helped me!


I handle things so much better now, sometimes the odd thing creeps up but I know how to handle it! 

Not only that but I have managed to save the money that I aimed to save which I never would have thought I could do on my own and I have exceeded what I thought!


You are truly amazing at what you do. I had no hope in overcoming all of the issues I was having back then and I felt so stuck but you have turned me into the positive, confident, happy person I knew I could be!


Thank you thank you thank you!

Emily, London, UK
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Sophie, London, UK

Working with Anna has been a really great way to understand how I can have more control over my thoughts and feelings, using methods that focus forward on a hopeful solution, rather than digging through and reliving

past problems.


Whilst I’m not there yet, I’m consistently able to turn my mind to more positive thoughts and not be so reactive - which will only get better as I practice more.

Thanks Anna for thé insights

I chose to be at home to raise our children, but since they were growing up I wanted clarity on the new direction of my life.

Anna helped me sift through my thoughts, implement action toward a new career and place more trust in the Universe.

My vision is to progress through a masters degree, own my own practice and work at a preeminent facility.

Lotus Flower
Tess, Sydney
Chandi, North Carolina, USA

Thank you soooo much Anna for all the guidance and help!!!  I am so grateful to have met you and have learned so much. 

I’ve always been a happy person but over the last few years, I developed some anxiety.  I worried about money, about the future, health, and all the “what-ifs”. Especially when things were going well. I’d tell myself that things are going too well and that can’t possibly last.

I was self-sabotaging my very own happiness by constantly picturing what could go wrong and trying to be prepared for those possibilities and bracing for them.


Working with you is changing my life!  I am finally learning how to release those worries, those thoughts that don’t serve me and focusing on what I actually want.  I’m learning to redirect my thought process in such a way that situations that would previously have sent me into a negative space now shine in a positive light. 


 I am learning to trust in the universe and in me.  I am allowing myself to feel more joy each day.  It honestly feels like some weight is lifting off my chest and tension leaving my body.  I cannot thank you enough for helping me on this wonderful journey!

Anna has an incredible gift for explaining the Law of Attraction using clear examples.I have learned to shift my thoughts from fear to positivity.Manifesting what I want and seeing the results. Thank you Anna!!

Kim Mcleod, Vancouver Canada
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Anna Garcia


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